
NASA-Confirmed “Doomsday Map” Proves The Silicon Valley Elite Are Preparing For A Cataclysmic Event


Mr Robot

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It seems that around 2011- 2013 in particular, a wave of public interest in what is reduced to being called a “doomsday prepper” took place. Around this time, stories of super wealthy and ultra influential people becoming “doomsday preppers” began to circulate.

It is proving to be much more than a theory: properties acquired by the world’s wealthiest billionaires recently provided insight into their current frame of mind (if the super-wealthy can be referred to collectively like that, and based on how centralized the world’s wealth is, seeing it this way makes sense).

What are they preparing for? Do they understand something about the occurrence of recent natural disasters that we don’t? Theories about the mass of natural disasters that have occurred recently range from theories about the Earth replenishing itself as if it is one organism when it knows it is damaged using natural disasters, to elites geoengineering weather catastrophes.

(Future map of the United States by Gordon- Michael Scallion)

Jim Dobson, a former contributor to Forbes stated that some of the wealthiest Americans are buying massive amounts of land that they can survive on in a “doomsday” scenario. He said they are “preparing for future escape plans with ‘vacation homes’ in remote locations,” and “private planes ready to depart at a moment’s notice.”

For example, we have John Malone: a telecommunications CEO who owns 2.2 million acres, with massive stretches of land in Wyoming and Colorado. Colorado is certainly a place that one would expect elite “doomsday preppers” to choose, with it’s elevation and, well.. the Denver Airport Murals and Freemasonic timecapsule to be opened in the 2090’s.

AEG CEO Philip Anschutz is the owner of a whopping 434,000 acres of land in Wyoming. If elites want to buy land in Wyoming, North America’s potentially doomsday-causing Wyoming Supervolcano must not be a threat to them.

CNN mogul Ted Turner owns 1 million acres, with land in New Mexico, Montana, Nebraska, and North Dakota.

Dobson also added that elite people in Australia and New Zealand are also buying massive amounts of farmland: the phenomena is worldwide.

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman and former Facebook product manager Antonio Garcia Martinez are more wealthy people openly preparing for a massive crisis. The Reddit CEO said:

I think, to some degree, we all collectively take it on faith that our country works, that our currency is valuable, the peaceful transfer of power—that all of these things that we hold dear work because we believe they work. While I do believe they’re quite resilient, and we’ve been through a lot, certainly we’re going to go through a lot more.

The truth is, governments around the world have quietly enacted laws in the past several years that give them ultimate power in the event of some emergency.

A hurricane or natural disaster is precisely the justification needed by these governments to seize resources, facilities, materials, property, and even people, as is made completely legal by laws such as the “National Defense Resources Preparedness” executive order signed by President Obama in March 2012.

Why are people theorizing about the hurricanes being altered with geoengineering? Because governments have quietly placed a lot of time and effort into writing bills specifically prepared for disasters like these, that specifically give those powerful people the ability to seize anything they want from people.

Some theorize that the goal behind destabilization and collapse, if elite individuals are indeed working toward that, is replacing all the current infrastructure of the world with completely centralized, controlled pieces of infrastructure: smart grids, self driving cars with only enough fuel or power that the individual citizen is allowed, carbon credits, ect: a complete centralization of each infrastructure piece and thing we depend on in our lives is thought to be a final end-goal of elitists manufacturing disaster.

While stubborn certainty may be the enemy of knowing, investigating these theories with an open mind is a necessity if you ever want to know the truth.